Did you know?
The BIGGEST invisible cancer contributor is…stress.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we want to help you support your body in fighting cancer every day whether you have it or not.
So today we’ll share that the BIGGEST invisible cancer contributor is…stress…and 5 small and easy things you can do to help you relax more.
1️⃣ Hold off on drinking coffee in the morning by at least an hour after waking. The minute you wake up, your cortisol levels are already spiked, dating back to our caveman ages, when we needed to be on high alert, and drinking coffee right away simply adds to that! Drink water first for the first hour, and then you can insert your coffee! Your body will get used to it!
2️⃣ Speaking of that first hour, try to refrain from looking at your phone or any screen during. Doing so puts you in a reactive mode to address the millions of tasks and pieces of news coming at you a million miles a minute.
3️⃣ So what do you do during that first hour? If you need to get ready and out the door, do that. If you have the gift of time before your day starts, spend time simply sitting and being and doing nothing. If you have it in you, try stretching or simply breathing in silence in a rhythmic count.
4️⃣ Spend time in nature. Are you going to take a phone call that can be on the go? Try doing it while you take a walk outside. Taking the kids to the bus stop? After they get on the bus, take even 5 minutes to have a little walk on your own. Or going to get your mail? Take THOSE 5 minutes to take yourself out without your phone to just be outside and breathe. Or, if you go out to eat, see if you can take it to go to a local park, or have a friend meet you for a walk instead of coffee! Exercise is a big deterrent of stress!
5️⃣ Try to get to bed by 10. Studies show that if you’re in bed (with at least an hour of no screens beforehand), you can get into a regular sleep pattern, aiding in your sleep altogether, which is a huge supporter of stress management!
BONUS - bring more awareness to cancer, by attending Courage & Confidence: A Day of Cancer Support on October 29th at Hair Enhancement from 6-8 pm! 
Get your tickets here
October 12, 2024 — Kelsie Baldé