Wash & Style
Did you know we offer wash and style appointments?!
---If you aren’t the best at styling your wig or topper we can do it for you!
----On average most of our clients come in every 2-4 weeks to have their pieces serviced.
---Clients who have us service their wigs/toppers regularly have them last around 6 months longer! 🤗
---Appointments are needed to be made in advance due to this being one of our client’s favorites!
----Make sure to ask about our package discounts when scheduling!
----PS Before you come in, be sure to purchase a gift card from our website to use it for your session. And think BIG!
---The more of a denomination you buy, the more savings you get since we have a 10% off savings happening right now!
---This is in honor of Alopecia Awareness Month wrapping up so share the wealth and tell any of your Alopecia besties to go get their gift cards!
----Use code ALOPECIAAWARE to get your discount on all products.
Use code ALOPECIAAWAREGC to get your discount on wigs.